సిఎన్జి India Today లో ధర
CNG price in India in Top Cities stands at .Earlier the petrol and diesel prices were revised every 2 weeks, and got revised on the 1st and the 16th of every month. However, from June 2017, petrol prices are being revised every morning at 6 a.m.
Today's Fuel Prices లో {0}
City | Price (cost/Kg) |
చెన్నై | ₹ 90.5 |
హైదరాబాద్ | ₹ 96 |
జైపూర్ | ₹ 91.41 |
నోయిడా | ₹ 81.7 |
State-Wise Fuel Prices
State | Price (cost/Kg) |
Punjab | ₹ 87.58 |
Rajasthan | ₹ 82.94 |
Tamil Nadu | ₹ 90.5 |
Telangana | ₹ 96 |
Uttar Pradesh | ₹ 92 |
Uttarakhand | ₹ 94.5 |
West Bengal | ₹ 91 |
ప్రశ్నలు & సమాధానాలు
Does CNG price change everyday?
Yes, CNG prices revise at 6 a.m. daily in India due to various factors such as fluctuations in international crude oil prices, currency exchange rates, taxes, and local market conditions.